New Road Primary School

Class Newsletters

Autumn 1 Term: Click on the links below to find out what your child will be learning about this term

Reception: Acorns

Year 1: Oaks

Year 2: Willows

Year 3: Junipers

Year 4: Elms

Year 5: Rowans

Year 6: Maples

Autumn 2 Term: Click on the links below to find out what your child will be learning about this term

Reception: Acorns

Year 1: Oaks

Year 2: Willows

Year 3: Junipers

Year 4: Elms

Year 5: Rowans

Year 6: Maples

 Spring 1 Term: Click on the links below to find out what your child will be learning about this term

Reception: Acorns

Year 1: Oaks

Year 2: Willows

Year 3: Junipers

Year 4: Elms

Year 5: Rowans

Year 6: Maples